Protect Your Family
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Protect Your Family

When I moved into my current home, I almost immediately noticed the roaches. While the place wasn’t overrun with them, I saw them far too often. For a few years, my husband and I tried almost every anti-roach product available on the market. We would enjoy success for a short duration. However, the roaches always came back. Then, a wonderful thing happened. We hired a pest control company to spray our home for termites. As a bonus, the chemicals used to prevent termites got rid of our roach issue. If you want to protect your family from harmful roaches, contact a local pest control entity today. On this blog, you will learn how to rid your home of roaches for good with the help of a pest control specialist.


Protect Your Family

How To Identify And Prevent Bee Pest Infestations In The Home

Jennie Lucas

Bees play an essential role in the ecosystem, but some species of bees become pests when they invade residential properties. The bees build hives that cause damage to structures and threaten your family and pets' health.  

As a homeowner, it's crucial to be able to identify bee pests and take steps to prevent them from infesting your property.

Common Pest Bees

Here are some common bee pests you should be aware of:

Carpenter Bees: Carpenter bees are large and resemble bumblebees. They burrow into wooden structures, such as decks, fences, and eaves, causing damage to the wood.

Yellow Jackets: Yellow jackets are small yellow and black bees that are aggressive and attracted to sweet foods and drinks. Yellow jackets will repeatedly sting, making them a dangerous pest to have near your home.

Honey Bees: While honey bees are not typically considered pests, they can become a problem if they build a hive in or near your home. Honey bees will cause structural damage and attract other pests, such as yellow jackets and skunks, trying to get their honey.

Steps to Prevent Bee Infestations

To prevent bee infestations in your home, you should take these steps:

Seal cracks and crevices: Seal any cracks or crevices in your home's exterior to prevent bees from entering. This includes gaps around windows, doors, and other entry points. Pay close attention to areas where utility lines and pipes enter the home, as these are common entry points for bees.

Remove sources of food and water: Bees are attracted to sweet foods and drinks, so keep food and drinks covered when outside. This can be done by using tight-fitting lids on containers and keeping food inside when not in use. 

Additionally, remove any standing water from around your home, as this can attract bees and other pests. This can be accomplished by fixing leaky faucets, draining birdbaths and other water sources, and keeping gutters clear of debris.

Plant native plants: Planting native plants can help attract beneficial bees to your yard, which will help reduce the number of bee pests attracted to your home. Bees are attracted to the nectar and pollen of native plants, and planting a variety of native plants will provide food for them throughout the growing season. Additionally, planting native plants can help support the ecosystem's overall health and provide a habitat for other beneficial insects and wildlife.

Finally, if you do experience a bee pest infestation, it's essential to contact a professional pest control company. Do not attempt to remove bees or hives on your own, as this can be dangerous. A professional pest control company will be able to safely and effectively remove the bees and prevent them from returning. 

Reach out to a bee removal service in your area to learn more.
