Protect Your Family
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Protect Your Family

When I moved into my current home, I almost immediately noticed the roaches. While the place wasn’t overrun with them, I saw them far too often. For a few years, my husband and I tried almost every anti-roach product available on the market. We would enjoy success for a short duration. However, the roaches always came back. Then, a wonderful thing happened. We hired a pest control company to spray our home for termites. As a bonus, the chemicals used to prevent termites got rid of our roach issue. If you want to protect your family from harmful roaches, contact a local pest control entity today. On this blog, you will learn how to rid your home of roaches for good with the help of a pest control specialist.


Protect Your Family

  • How Bats Are Removed From Your Attic

    6 September 2017

    Bats are unique pests to deal with. They can invade your attic in large numbers. The colony is mostly comprised of females who each give birth to one baby bat each summer. That means at some point in the summer, the number of bats in your attic can double. While bats are very beneficial to have around because they feast on mosquitoes and other insects, you certainly don't want them in your attic.

  • Flying Ants Or Termites? 2 Questions To Ask Yourself When Trying To Tell The Difference

    21 August 2017

    If you have noticed a swarm of flying insects around the entrance to your home's crawl space, you may wonder whether or not they are flying ants or termites. If so, ask yourself the following questions to help you determine the differences between the two insects. What Body Shape Do the Insects Have? The first question you should ask yourself when investigating the type of insects swarming around your crawl space is about the body shape.

  • Controlling The Mosquito Problem

    27 July 2017

    There is nothing like enjoying time outdoors with family and friends, but one type of little pest can turn a great occasion into a disaster. This little pest is a mosquito. Nobody likes having to scratch their little bites, but the real problem is they can carry deadly diseases. It is important that you do everything that you can to keep your house and area clear of any mosquito problem. The good news is there are a few different actions that you can take that will help you keep these flying blood suckers under control.

  • Tips For Using Traps To Get Rid Of Mice

    13 July 2017

    Mice are stealthy little pests that like to hide during the day. They can be difficult to get rid of once you have an infestation. They reproduce rapidly, so it's possible to have mice in your house in alarming numbers if you don't take steps to get them under control. Once they're inside, about the only way to get rid of them is with traps of some kind. Here are a few tips for using the traps effectively.

  • Four Tips To Help Prevent Possums From Taking Over Your Yard

    14 June 2017

    Possums can be annoying and sometimes dangerous pests, but fortunately there are a few steps you can take to keep them out of your yard. Use this guide to help prevent a possum problem on your property. Manage Fruit-Bearing Trees And Bushes If you have fruit-bearing trees or bushes in your yard, be sure to pick up fruits that have fallen on the ground. These fruits can provide temptation for possums to enjoy a feast on your property.